Monday, March 2, 2009

Abortion and Face the Facts


"Face the Facts is a campaign to spread the truth regarding the overriding social justice issue of our day. Slavery still exists. Poverty exists. We have not won against AIDS. All of these things destroy the body, stealing life and freedom, and are seen for what they are. But one issue is not. There is one thing that destroys millions of human beings, stealing life and freedom from human souls, that is still seen as okay -- justifiable. If you don't believe me when I say this is abortion, maybe it's not your fault. Maybe you haven't heard the truth -- maybe you've even been lied to. Maybe the facts have been hidden. Well, I say it's time we prove them, and face them. It's time we educate ourselves, and our world. When people heard about the extermination camps the Nazis instigated during World War II, most didn't believe. 'Why would one group of people kill another group of people?' 'That just doesn't happen these days.' ' Things like that don't happen in a civilized society.'Research history -- those are the kind of thoughts that went through people's heads. Yet, horribly, they learned the truth -- near the end of the war they found out it was all true.You may argue that abortion is not murder. But let me just ask you,What if it is? If there is even the slightest possibility, wouldn't you want to know -- before it's too late? If I am wrong, I am a lunatic. But if I am right, consider the possibility, the magnitude of this crime, and don't allow history to repeat itself any longer --don't let a holocaust continue while you turn your head."

The facts:

If you're a teenager, you should take abortion seriously. For every two of you, there's one person missing.

Statistics show that a soldier's chances of survival in the front lines of combat are greater than an unborn child's avoiding abortion.

Emotional, mental and psychological disorders are 63% more likely after abortion than delivery.

Abortion has affected the Black community more than slavery itself. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the Black vote will be insignificant.

More than 50 million unborn children have died in legalized abortions-- over thirty fold the number of Americans lost in all our nation's wars.

Over 1 million children are killed by abortion in this country every year. Over 3,700 each day, 12 every 5 minutes, 1 every 25 seconds.

Planned Parenthood receives more than $330,000,000 in taxpayer money each year. They kill more human fetuses than anyone in America.

A Black baby is almost as likely to be aborted as he is to be born. Heis 4.8 times more likely to be aborted than a White baby.

It's impossible for you not to know a woman who has had an abortion,because nearly one in four women have had one.

Women who abort are 6 times more likely to commit suicide than women who carry their baby to term.

At 10 weeks from conception, a baby can smile, frown, wince or pout.While still in the womb a baby will learn to recognize his mother's voice.

Every year, more innocent children are killed by abortion in the US than the combined total of Americans who have died in all wars in our history.

Between 1882 and 1962, 3,446 Blacks were lynched. That number surpassed in less than three days by abortion.

What should be the safest place to live in America -- a mother's womb-- is now the most dangerous place.

A woman who has had an abortion is at least 50% more likely to contract breast cancer by age 45. 182,000 American women develop it each year.

40% of minors having an abortion report that neither of their parents knew about the abortion.

Scans reveal that babies have REM sleep. This could be a sign that the fetus, not yet born, is already dreaming.

A baby can survive birth at 6 months. A baby can see, hear, and taste at 7 months. Abortion is legal in the US throughout all 9 months of pregnancy.

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population" (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood).

It is illegal to execute a pregnant woman because the fetus living inside her is a distinct human being who can't be executed for another's crimes.

Between 1970 and 1981, the time period in which abortion was legalized, the frequency of ectopic pregnancies increased by 300%.

At 3 weeks from conception, a baby's heart begins to beat; at 6 weeks,brainwaves are measurable -- both before most of the earliest abortions.

More than 70% of abortions -- at least 800,000 each year -- take place after 6 weeks, bringing an end to the embryo's heartbeat and brainwaves.

The Jews, as well as "unfit" Germans, had a "choice" most Germans did not. This meant that the Nazis saw abortion as a very useful weapon.

There is a twofold to threefold increased risk of miscarriage for women with a history of two or more abortions.

Without abortion and the strategic placement of abortion clinics inminority areas the Black community in America would be 30% larger than it is.

If it's morally reprehensible to kill a developing human being afterbirth, why is it permissible to kill a developing human being before birth?

Every 2 1/2 weeks, year in and year out, there is an aborted child for each of the 58,132 names on the national Vietnam Memorial.

Each year in the US, the abortion industry brings in approximately$831,000,000 through their abortion services alone.

If the pro-life position is correct, abortions are human casualties and every day number nearly 1,000 more than all lives lost in the 9/11attacks.

If the 50 million legally aborted children and their children were alive to vote abortion would be illegalized by the popular vote.

Some web sights are: -check out the abortion photos, they are disturbing so be careful.

Abortion is not the last result, adoption is great. I will talk more about adoption soon.

Abortion is a way to get rid of your problems, murder is a way to get rid of your problem, suicide is a way to get rid of all your problems. Abortion is murder, because someone made a mistake these innocent humans are murdered. Its your problem, deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the truth you post, Chelsea.

    Kudos, and keep it up.

    Emily Elisabeth
